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Bach and Bacchus on Nøgne Ø

Sat, 16 Feb


NØGNE Ø - Det Kompromissløse Bryggeri A/

We repeat the success from last autumn and meet at Nøgne Ø for a pleasant evening with brilliant music and lots of good things in the glass. This time we have set up a bus to and from Arendal, Grimstad and Fevik. Don't miss this lovely evening, with top music, lots of fun and, as I said, a lot of good in the glass.

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Bach and Bacchus on Nøgne Ø
Bach and Bacchus on Nøgne Ø

Tid og sted

16 Feb 2019, 19:30 – 22:30

NØGNE Ø - Det Kompromissløse Bryggeri A/, Lunde 8, 4885 Grimstad, Norway


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