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Mon, 28 Jun


Café Ibsen - Hall of sobriety

Classic In the Center - "Close to"

The guest of honor this year is Stian Carstensen. The concert provides a unique opportunity to get up close to this extraordinary musician. We only have 20 tickets, so here you just have to get around. Kafe ibsen sells good accessories.

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Classic In the Center - "Close to"
Classic In the Center - "Close to"

Tid og sted

28 Jun 2021, 14:00 – 14:45

Café Ibsen - Hall of sobriety, Løkkestredet 7, 4876 Grimstad, Norway

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Stian takes us into his world. He is one of Norway's most important artists at the moment. It also shows the nomination for the Nordic Council's Music Award. Here you get close to the musician and his thoughts. Only twenty tickets for sale, so be quick!

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